5 Reasons to Work With a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Commercial Truck Accident

Semi-trucks and other large commercial trucks can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds when fully loaded with freight. These massive vehicles often cause catastrophic damage in a collision. Severe, life-altering injuries and wrongful death are not uncommon in commercial truck accidents. Unfortunately, many truck accident victims are left with not only painful injuries requiring extensive …
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How Do You Prove Negligence?

Negligence is a legal theory many personal injury victims use to receive compensation for their injuries and hold at-fault parties accountable. For example, a car accident victim might be able to receive compensation from the driver who struck them by showing the driver hit them because they failed to stop at a red light.  If …
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What Happens If a Fire Truck Hits My Parked Car?

The vast majority of car accidents occur between passenger vehicles. However, there are instances where collisions occur with emergency vehicles, including fire trucks. Fire trucks are enormous, heavy vehicles that, amid an emergency, travel at high rates of speed. Their sheer size makes navigating them through streets and among parked cars challenging. The reality is …
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What Happens When a Pedestrian Causes an Auto Accident?

Although personal injury cases often involve pedestrians who have been hit by a car, what if the responsibility for a serious car accident lies with a pedestrian rather than a car’s driver? Could an injured party recover compensation when a pedestrian breaches their duty of care–even if the pedestrian was also seriously injured? If you …
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How Long Do You Have to Report an Injury at Work?

While workplaces all over the nation can be dangerous, Texas’ disproportionately large share of oilfields and its booming construction business means Texas also has a larger than its fair share of serious and fatal workplace accidents. Many employers choose to have workers’ compensation insurance coverage, but many do not, leaving employees vulnerable to the consequences …
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